
Rafał Pasierbek STUNT 13


Rafał Pasierbek, artist name “Stunter13”

EBBENE SIAMO fun sicuramente ma molti non lo conosceranno, ed ecco perchè abbiamo allegato il testo delle info di Rafał Pasierbek, artist name “Stunter13.

foto Dobermannstyle

.. My Name is Rafał Pasierbek, artist name “Stunter13”. I’m 25 years old and I’ve been riding motorcycles all my life. About 8 years ago I was watching some of USA stunt videos and after that I was very inspired and wanted to do the same things.

Originally I did not have enough money for a big bike so I had to ride my small suzuki rg80 , and after 1 year of riding that small bike I decided to enter a Competition in Poland called “SFF Bielawa 2005” where the judges were from USA : Teach , Drew Stone , and Tony D. I won that competition ! It was motivation for me to start riding more and to change to a big bike.

In 2006 I bought a CBR 600 f3 and began to practice on that bike. That year I started some competitions and got 6th place in Bednary and 7th Place in Bemowo Warsaw , and made about 10 show’s throughout the year in 2006.

In 2007 I had about 15 shows, and 2 big Poland competitions. The first one I placed 4th at Extrememoto in Warsaw , and 3rd Place in SFFBielawa 2007

in 2008 I changed my bike to a Honda F4i and that was a very good year for me. I won all 3 major Competitions in Poland ! and I was declared the “Master of Poland” having won: SFF2008 Bielawa , ExtremeMoto in Warsaw , and a new competition StreetBikeFreestyle In Bydgoszcz

After that good year I decided to go for the World Championship in Zurich 2009 in February , I made it to the Final and got 8th Place ! That was a huge success for me ! , Next I competed in Poland at ExtremeMoto in Warsaw and again I won that competition. then go to the Romania and got 6th in qualify but the finals are gone… hehe , and on the last european competition I have 1st place in qualifing and 5th in finals which was also a big success.

Since then I have had alot of shows here in Poland and few in Europe , I won all the competitions in Poland in 2008 and also got 1st place in qualifing at the GERMAN OPEN EUROPE COMPETITION and in the finals I finished 5th against many great champions ! I have also done several interviews for Polish TV like TVN24 etc…

The 2010 Season was for me a one big succes , i won almost all the competitions in Europe !
the first was a KURUN CONTEST 2010 in Lorient , France ,then we go for the GERMAN OPEN 2010 competition and i got 3rd very good result for me ! , another competition was a EXTREMEMOTO 2010 , it was my 3rd won in a row of that competition ! , another competition that i was need to prepare best i can was a STUNTGP2010 in Poland but the first time it was a International competition and first time like that here in Poland ! , ive got 1st and was very happy about that result , the last Big Competition on the 2010 season was a VERTICAL TRIX EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2010 in UK , i was really happy that i got first on this one ! and still cant believe about all the score on the season !

The 2011 is for me even better ! at Beginning season i won 2 Poland competitions called ExtremeDay 2011 and TOH STUNT PARTY 2011 , then take victory in Austria on a European competition called “Streetbike Freestyle European Championship 2011” , and later it was time for my important event…STUNT GP 2011 didnt really think i can take home first place from that event but with lucky that i have i take it ! , and just few days ago i won another European event in London called ” SBF 2011″

In 2012 i will try to put myself to the maximum once again ! SEE YOU SOMEWHERE ! 😉

1st Place – SFF 2005
1st Place – ExtremeMoto 2008
1st Place – SFF 2008
1st Place – SBF 2009
1st Place – ExtremeMoto 2009
1st Place- StuntGP 2009
1st Place- Kurun Contest France 2010
1st Place- ExtremeMoto 2010
1st Place – StuntGP2010 International
1st Place – Vertical Trix Europan Championship 2010
1st Place – Extreme Day Rzeszów 2011
1st Place – TOH Stunt Party 2011
1st Place – Streetbike Freestyle European Championship in Austria 2011
1st Place – StuntGP 2011
1st Place – SBF London 2011
1st Place – STUNTWARS 2011 , Orlando
1st Place – XDL INDY FINALS 2011
1st Place – StuntGP 2012 World GrandPrix
1st Place – XDL INDY 2012
1st Place – International Stunt Competition in Morocco 2012
Rafał-Pasierbek-artist-name Stunter13