
Red Bull X-Fighters 2014


Città del Messico, Osaka, Madrid, Monaco di Baviera e finale a Pretoria, Sud Africa. Le new entry Monaco di Baviera (Germania) e Pretoria (Sud Africa), nemmeno per quest’anno toccherà l’Italia. La più vicina al nostro portafoglio sarebbe Monaco.

A noi della Dobermannstyle piace proprio tanto, ma tanto rimanere con il naso all’aria e vedere la tecnica, la follia, la bravura di questi super atleti. Al contrario di quanto si pensi non è uno sport da sprovveduti, ma di grandi professionisti che si allenano e preparano la moto nei minimi particolari senza approssimazioni! Aspettiamoci un grande spattacolo in giro per il mondo.

Città del Messico (14 marzo) poi terra del Sol Levante ad Osaka (25 maggio), per poi tornare nel Vecchio Continente  nell’arena di Las Ventas a Madrid (27 giugno, Monaco di Baviera (19 luglio) prima della finale in africa a Pretoria, (23 agosto). In Italia dopo due date è scomparsa dalla lista speriamo che ritorni! L’anno scorso Pagès ha sconfitto lo spagnolo Dany Torres, quest’anno vedremo ma secondo noi è bella agguerrita! canale redbull sintonizzato e vai!

————————————————–Se volete andare ad OSAKA:


Qualifier Event – Saturday 24th May 2014

Japanese Qualifier: 14:00 – 14:45
Red Bull X-Fighters Qualifier:
15.00 – 17.00

Main Event – Sunday 25th May 2014 –Doors Open: 12:00 – Event Start: 15:00 (approx. – depends on pre-show)

Start Web-TV: 15:00
Start Live-TV:
End Event/TV:

ALL LOCAL TIMES – Japan Standard Time – difference to MEZ/CET +7 hours

Watch Red Bull X-Fighters Osaka LIVE!
Catch all the action from Red Bull X-Fighters in Japan:

Webcast: We will stream the entire competition live right here on, Red Bull TV, Xbox 360 and Apple TV.

Webcast Times:
May 25
Japan: 03:00pm (JST) | Australia: 04:00pm (AEST)
 | New Zealand: 06.00pm (NZST) |
Mexico: 01:00am (CST) | Brasil: 03:00am (BRT) | Europe: 08:00am (CET)
March 24
Canada: 11:00pm (PST)

Please note that the live webcast is geo-blocked in the US.
The event will broadcast for the US fans on Fox Sports 1 on Monday, May 26, at 7.30pm (ET) / 3.30pm (PT).

TV: The main event will also broadcast live on several TV stations around the globe. Please check local listings for details.

Live Results: To get results and standings in real-time, hit redbullxfighters/results.

——————————————————————-MADRID INFO:


Doors Open: 19:30 – Event Start: 22.00 (depends on pre-show)

Start Web-TV: 22:00
Start Live-TV: 22:30
End Event/TV: 24:00

ALL LOCAL TIMES – Central European Time – Time Difference to UTC -2 hours

Watch Red Bull X-Fighters Madrid LIVE!
Catch all the action from Red Bull X-Fighters in Spain:

Webcast: We will stream the entire competition live right here on, Red Bull TV, Xbox 360 and Apple TV.

Webcast Times:
June 27
Europe: 10:00pm (CET) | Canada: 01:00pm (PST) | Mexico: 03:00pm (CST) | Brasil: 05:00pm (BRT)
June 28
Japan: 05:00am (JST) | Australia: 06:00am (AEST)
 | New Zealand: 08.00am (NZST)

Please note that the live webcast is geo-blocked in the US.
The event will broadcast for the US fans on Fox Sports 1 on Monday,  June 30, at 7.30pm (ET) / 3.30pm (PT).

TV: The main event will also broadcast live on several TV stations around the globe. Please check local listings for details.

Live Results: To get results and standings in real-time, hit redbullxfighters/results.


Doors Open: 16:00

Start Web-TV: 18:00
Start Live-TV: 18:30
End Event/TV: 20:00

ALL LOCAL TIMES – Central European Time – difference to UTC -2 hour

Watch Red Bull X-Fighters Munich LIVE!
Catch all the action from Red Bull X-Fighters in Germany:

Webcast: We will stream the entire competition live right here on, Red Bull TV, Xbox 360 and Apple TV.

Webcast Times:
July 19
Europe: 06:00pm (CET) | Canada: 09:00am (PST) | Mexico: 11:00am (CST) | Brasil: 01:00pm (BRT)
July 20
Japan: 01:00am (JST) | Australia: 02:00am (AEST)
 | New Zealand: 04.00am (NZST)

Please note that the live webcast is geo-blocked in the US.
The event will broadcast for the US fans on Fox Sports 1 on Monday,  July 21, at 7.30pm (ET) / 3.30pm (PT).

TV: The main event will also broadcast live on several TV stations around the globe. Please check local listings for details.

Live Results: To get results and standings in real-time, hit redbullxfighters/results.

———————————————————PRETORIA  South AFRICA

Watch Red Bull X-Fighters Final in Pretoria LIVE!
Catch all the action from Red Bull X-Fighters in South Africa:

Webcast: We will stream the entire competition live right here on, Red Bull TV, Xbox 360 and Apple TV.

Webcast Times:
August 23
South Africa: 01:30pm (SAST) | Europe: 01:30pm (CET) | Canada: 04:30am (PST) | Mexico: 06:30am (CST) |
Brasil: 08:30am (BRT) | Japan: 08:30pm (JST) | Australia: 09:30pm (AEST)
 | New Zealand: 11.30am (NZST)

Please note that the live webcast is geo-blocked in the US.
The event will broadcast for the US fans on Fox Sports 1 on Monday,  August 25, at 7.30pm (ET) / 3.30pm (PT).

TV: The main event will also broadcast live on several TV stations around the globe. Please check local listings for details.

Live Results: To get results and standings in real-time, hit redbullxfighters/results.

Watch Red Bull X-Fighters Final in Pretoria LIVE!
Catch all the action from Red Bull X-Fighters in South Africa:

Webcast: We will stream the entire competition live right here on, Red Bull TV, Xbox 360 and Apple TV.

Webcast Times:
August 23
South Africa: 01:30pm (SAST) | Europe: 01:30pm (CET) | Canada: 04:30am (PST) | Mexico: 06:30am (CST) |
Brasil: 08:30am (BRT) | Japan: 08:30pm (JST) | Australia: 09:30pm (AEST)
 | New Zealand: 11.30am (NZST)

Please note that the live webcast is geo-blocked in the US.
The event will broadcast for the US fans on Fox Sports 1 on Monday,  August 25, at 7.30pm (ET) / 3.30pm (PT).

TV: The main event will also broadcast live on several TV stations around the globe. Please check local listings for details.

Live Results: To get results and standings in real-time, hit redbullxfighters/results.






Red Bull X-Fighters Wuppertal 2008

The Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour is revving up for another epic and spectacular season , as Thomas Pagès (France) is about to battle to defend his championship title in a five-leg tour in 2014 that will take the world’s premier freestyle motocross competition to four continents.